
This tour is a combination of the Bhutanese cultural experience with spectacular festival, “The Grand Thimphu Tshechu” where you can see spectacular mask dances performed by the monks in the courtyard of the Tashichho Dzong. The tour will also take you to the beautiful valley of Bumthang, spiritual hub of Bhutan and Gangtey-Phobjikha valley – the most beautiful glacial valleys in the Himalayas.

Mask dances, popularly known as Cham (dances), are performed in the courtyards of the Trashichho Dzong during the four-day Tshechu festival, held every year during autumn (September / October) on dates corresponding to the Bhutanese Calender. Tshechu means “tenth” , so the festival is held on the 10th day of Bhutanese month.  It is a religious folk dance form of Drukpa Buddhism, which was established in 1670. The Thimphu Tshechu, held for four days is usually attended by the Royal family and the Chief Abbot of Bhutan and other government officials.

The Tour will also take you to the beautiful valley of Bumthang, spiritual hub of Bhutan and Gangtey-Phobjikha valley, and the most beautiful valleys in the Country.

Day 01

Destinations: Arrive Paro (By Druk/Bhutan Airlines)

(Elevation: 2,250m)

Representative of SNG Tours will welcome & receive you at the entrance gate.

Visit Kichu Lhakhang. This is one of the 108 temples built by the Tibetan King Songtsen Gampo in the 7th Century to subdue the ogress that lay across the whole of the Himalayas. Later in 1968, Her Majesty, the Royal Grandmother Ashi Kezang Choden Wangchuck, built a second temple alongside the first one.

Visit National Museum. It is built as a watch tower. Unlike the rectangular shape of the Dzongs, Ta Dzong is conical, more like that of a European castle. Since 1967 the Dzong was re-established as the National Museum and holds a fascinating collection of art, relics, religious thangkha paintings and Bhutan’s exquisite postage stamps.

Overnight in Paro Hotel

Day 02

Destinations: Paro to Thimphu

(Elevation: 2,320m, Distance: 65km, Time: 1 hr. approx.)

On the way visit Tachogang Lhakhang. Tachogang Lhakhang, ‘temple of the hill of the excellent horse’, rises in austere surroundings on the left bank of the river. This private temple was founded by the Tibetan saint, Thangton Gyelpo (1385-1464), while he was meditating here, Thangton Gyelpo had a vision of the excellent horse Balaha-an emanation of Avoloketeshvaras. He decided thereupon to build a temple at this spot in addition to one of his famous iron bridges (later carried away by floods in 1969).

Visit the National Library, established in 1967. Among the highly prized collections, there is a book reported to be the heaviest in the world, weighing 59 kilograms (130 lb), known as “Bhutan Visual Odyssey across the Last Himalayan Kingdom”.

Visit National Institute of Zorig Chusum. It is the centre for Bhutanese Art education. It was set up by The Government of Bhutan with the sole objective of preserving the rich culture and tradition of Bhutan and training students in all traditional art forms.

Evening, Leisure in the Town.

Overnight in Thimphu Hotel

Day 03

Destinations: Thimphu (Tshechu)

For the whole day you will be witnessing the Festival (Tshechu) in Tashichho Dzong courtyard.

Overnight in Thimphu Hotel

Day 04

Destinations: Thimphu (Tshechu/sightseeing)

Morning you will be witnessing the festival.

Visit Buddha Dordenma Statue. It is a bronze statue gilded in gold. It is one of the largest Buddha Statues in the world, at a height of 51.5 metres (169 ft). The statue alone is being built at a cost of US$ 47 million, by Aero sun Corporation of Nanjing, China, while the total cost of the Buddha Dordenma Project is well over US$ 100 million.

Visit the Memorial Chorten. This Chorten (Stupa) was built in 1974 to honor the 3rd King of Bhutan Jigme Dorji Wangchuck (1928-1972). It is designed as a Tibetan style chorten, also called as the Jangchup Chorten (Stupa).

Visit mini-zoo where we have preserved the National Animal of Bhutan. This animal called Takin was declared as the National Animal on 25 November 2005 as it is attributed to a legend of the animal’s creation in Bhutan in the 15th century by Lama Drukpa Kuenley.

Evening, Leisure in the Town.

Overnight in Thimphu Hotel

Day 05

Destinations: Thimphu to Punakha

(Elevation: 1,350m, Distance: 77km, Time: 3 hrs.)

On the way visit Tachogang Lhakhang. Tachogang Lhakhang, ‘temple of the hill of the excellent horse’, rises in austere surroundings on the left bank of the river. This private temple was founded by the Tibetan saint, Thangton Gyelpo (1385-1464), while he was meditating here, Thangton Gyelpo had a vision of the excellent horse Balaha-an emanation of Avoloketeshvaras. He decided thereupon to build a temple at this spot in addition to one of his famous iron bridges (later carried away by floods in 1969).

Visit the National Library, established in 1967. Among the highly prized collections, there is a book reported to be the heaviest in the world, weighing 59 kilograms (130 lb), known as “Bhutan Visual Odyssey across the Last Himalayan Kingdom”.

Visit National Institute of Zorig Chusum. It is the centre for Bhutanese Art education. It was set up by The Government of Bhutan with the sole objective of preserving the rich culture and tradition of Bhutan and training students in all traditional art forms.

Overnight in Thimphu Hotel

Day 06

Destinations: Punakha to Gangtey

(Elevation: 3,000m, Distance: 83km, Time: 3 hrs)

After reaching the Phobjikha valley visit Gangtey Goempa dating back to the 17th The Construction of the Goempa was prophesied by Terton (Treasure revealer) Pema Lingpa.

Later, on the valley floor is the village of Phobjikha. This is the winter home of black necked cranes that migrate from the arid plains in the north to pass their winter in milder and lower climate.

Overnight in Gangtey Hotel

Day 07

Destinations: Gangtey-Wangdue-Paro

(Elevation: (3,000m)-(1,310m)-(2,250m), Distance: (62+141)=203km, Time: 7 hrs.)

For the whole day you will be in the vehicle, driving towards Paro.

Overnight in Paro Hotel

Day 08

Destinations: Paro (sightseeing)

Today will be your last day to stay in Bhutan and also the foremost sightseeing in Bhutan. Hike to the Tiger Nest, where you could find amazing monastery built in the hill of the rock, it brings pride to the Bhutanese about the work of our ancestors. It is said that Guru Rinpoche arrived here on the back of a tigress and meditated at this Monastery and hence it is called ‘Tiger’s Nest’. This site has been recognized as most sacred and visited by Zhabdrung Rinpoche in 1646 and now visited by all Bhutanese at least once in their lifetime.

Evening leisure in the town, if you want to have shopping.

You will have supper with the President/Representative of SNG Tours & Treks and bidding farewell to the Guest(s).  Hold night at the hotel in Paro. (Altitude 2,280m).

Day 09

Destinations: Paro (departure)Your Guide and Driver will take you to the airport and they will see-off till the Exit Point.

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